Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
2.86 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
2.26 ms (78.97%) |
4 |
SELECT item_id, CASE WHEN item_lifetime IS NULL OR item_lifetime + item_time > ? THEN item_data ELSE NULL END FROM cache_items WHERE item_id IN (?)
[ 1741478230 [ "\x00tags\x00asset_146" "asset_146" ] ] |
0.60 ms (21.03%) |
1 |
SELECT * FROM redirects WHERE ( (source = :sourcePath AND (`type` = :typePath OR `type` = :typeAuto)) OR (source = :sourcePathQuery AND `type` = :typePathQuery) OR (source = :sourceEntireUri AND `type` = :typeEntireUri) ) AND active = 1 AND regex IS NULL AND (expiry > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR expiry IS NULL) AND sourceSite IS NULL ORDER BY `priority` DESC
[ "sourcePath" => "/_profiler/SELECTidFROMdocumentsWHEREpath=BINARY'/CarImages/renault/146/image-thumb__146__product_detail/'AND`key`=BINARY'renault-2681248.webp';" "sourcePathQuery" => "/_profiler/SELECTidFROMdocumentsWHEREpath=BINARY'/CarImages/renault/146/image-thumb__146__product_detail/'AND`key`=BINARY'renault-2681248.webp';" "sourceEntireUri" => "http://pimcore-demo.profildoors.de/_profiler/SELECTidFROMdocumentsWHEREpath=BINARY'/CarImages/renault/146/image-thumb__146__product_detail/'AND`key`=BINARY'renault-2681248.webp';" "typePath" => "path" "typePathQuery" => "path_query" "typeEntireUri" => "entire_uri" "typeAuto" => "auto_create" ] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
There are no configured entity managers.
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.